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Pro Listing Program in Bay County, FL Not Your Area?
PRO Full Representation Plan Logo
5-Star Team of Professionals

For sellers who want highest sales price and lowest stress

Save a lot of money by using New Frontier Title to close your transaction and issue your title policy.This is to give you notice that the owners of ADDvantage® Real Estate Services and the website®, has a business relationship with New Frontier Title, LLC in that one or more of the owners of ADDvantage® Real Estate Services and® have an ownership interest in. This notice is given to disclose this relationship as this referral may provide ADDvantage® Real Estate Services and® or its owners a financial benefit via returns on ownership interest.

Yes - I would like to use New Frontier Title
No - I don't want to save money using New Frontier Title
$999 up front$699 up front
1% at close0.875% at close
($4,500.00 minimum)

YOU DECIDE buyer’s agent commission during the sign up process
PRO is for the seller who wants a full service TOP AGENT with a proven track record, wants to net the most possible on their home sale, and doesn’t want to pay anywhere near 6%.

What's Included

     Broker Management:

  • CMA & Pre-listing price consultation
  • Expert pricing advice
  • Value-driven negotiation strategies
  • Multiple offer management
  • Buyer vetting & pre-approvals
  • Appraisal shortfall risk management
  • Inspection report negotiations
  • Buyers' agent & buyer communications
  • Contract addendums
  • Closing (ALTA) statement review


  • MLS,,, Zillow, IDX+
  • Professional HDR photography
  • Custom property flyer/brochure
  • Sign, post & lockbox

     Professional Transaction Services:

  • Dedicated team of specialists
  • Property data gathering
  • Professional property description writing
  • Listing-to-close file management
  • Showing scheduling & coordination
  • Electronic contract creation
  • State & federal docs & disclosures
  • Contract timeline tracking
  • Title services coordination
  • Escrow deposit confirmation

What's Not Included

  • Open Houses

Trust your equity with our experienced and exceptional negotiators.

Sell fast, save commission and leave no money on the table.
PRO Client Testimonials
Why Our Pro Sellers Succeed
leverage the expertise
low fee
Single Agent
we protect your equity