By Owner MLS Listing Service gets the job done right!

Many By Owners in Florida have found perfect answer to sell a home fast. List the home in the MLS by owner. By owners represent themselves and pay no listing commission. It is just like a traditional by owner approach but by listing in the MLS without an agent, the seller saves at least 50% in commission. 19% of our by owners at ADDvantage® sell their homes without having an agent involved which means they pay zero commission. You can view all our by owners MLS sales statistics.

The world of real estate has dramatically changed over the past 10 years. Now, there are 2 distinct classifications of MLS listed properties, full-service and limited service. Limited service is also known as flat fee MLS.

By owner MLS services vary greatly from one discount MLS broker to another. We are ADDvantage®, Florida's best flat fee MLS listing service for many reasons.

First and foremost, our past clients tell us every day we are helping them sell their homes using our superior by owner MLS listing service. They appreciate our high level of customer service.

Secondly, we don't offer discount service. We offer first class Mon-Thu 9AM-7PM, Fri 9AM-5:30PM, Sat 9AM-5PM, Sun 9AM-4PM live support for all our by owner MLS clients, Realtors seeking showing instructions and buyers. Our impeccable attention to detail and how we answer our phones makes listing your home by owner through ADDvantage® a very effective way to sell. If your discount MLS broker doesn't answer their phone in a reliable fashion than showing appointments are missed. It only takes one buyer and that call maybe your sale.

Next, is our MLS listing software is the most advanced in the industry. Listing your home by owner with ADDvantage® is a breeze right from the start. All you do is click “list my property” after choosing one of our three By Owner MLS listing plans. There are five easy steps, and you finish by uploading as many as 100 pictures.

Once listed in the MLS, you will be on your way to the best Internet marketing possible. ADDvantage® will list your Florida home on your local MLS,,, Trulia, BargainNetwork,, Google, MSN, and hundreds more by owner sites.

If you ever feel the need to engage ADDvantage® at a higher level of service other than strictly “by owner” then consider Professional ADDvantage™. Our Professional ADDvantage™ plan not “limited service” but rather it is discount full-service listing.

Our website has many helpful features, one of which is “Home Selling Tips”.